Go from Zero Experience to Software Developer + AI in just 12 months

Gain High Demand Skills & Land Your First Tech Job!

Where some of our grads work

Coding for Success: We Build Software Developers

Gain Professional Skills in High Demand

Go From Nothing Making Sense to Everything Making Sense

We demystify the world of coding, teaching language and concepts piece by piece so everything comes together. At the end of the course, you will look back and see that you have come a long way from where you started.

AI Integration Underway

AI as your Dev Companion

Use AI responsibly to enhance software dev output.
Produce software that harnesses AI to provide AI services to the end user.

Prepare for Career Launch

Our full-stack developer training program makes you JOB-READY in less than a year, even if you start with no tech knowledge.

Online Video Course +
One-on-One Mentoring

Learn at your own speed with pre-recorded video lessons + assignments + 1 to 1 instructor mentoring

How Our Process Works

Your Tech Career Is Waiting

Our employer network keeps asking when we will have more grads ready to hire!  We help you build a strong resume, create a portfolio to showcase your skills, and make connections to land that first job in software development.

What Our Employers and Students Say

Have Questions?

Call or text us toll-free at
(833) 693-CODE (2633) or send us a message at apply@cpucodeschool.com

Video Guided Tour

Admission Q&A

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Give coding a try!

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